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You have found the Wichita Singles Connection, a member of the largest and most successful dating site on the World Wide Web. Internet dating is one of the more exciting events happening with the Internet in recent years. Internet dating not only allows you to connect to millions of people across the globe; it allows you to find the perfect person to spend your life with.
Have you been sitting around thinking about finding a date this weekend?
Thousands of Wichita singles sit at home every weekend because things just haven’t worked out for them. The good news is… that can now change.
Our online dating service with Wichita Singles Connection allows you to connect to other people just like you sitting at home in Wichita or throughout the world.
Think of online dating at the Wichita Singles Connection just like a store full of candies where you will be picking out the best wrapped and most delicious candy. Enjoy every inch of the process of finding that date of your dreams.
Once you decide that you’re ready to date again, you have to realize that your approach to dating won’t be the same as it was in years past. As a single mother with children in the home, your dating decisions have to consider what works for them as well as for you. It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of finding a guy who wants to spend time with you before you think about how dating will be …Continue reading →
Do you doubt yourself so much about your ability to pick up women that you sabotage your efforts before you ever even approach one? This happens to many men – and it’s one primary issue Joshua Pellicer covers in The Tao of Badass. Josh says that while you’re worrying about your approach, women are worrying about their filters – making sure they keep the right guys out and let the right guys in. And he shows you how to become …Continue reading →
“Opposites attract” is a law of attraction, at least where electromagnetism is concerned. But are there laws about attraction between two people? “In a world that is full of strangers” as a line in a famous song of the 1980’s goes, is there a clear set of rules that allows two people to fall for each other? Is attraction a matter of chemistry? Maybe. According to scientists, the attraction between animals of the opposite sex is all about chemicals called …Continue reading →
Is romance the socially appropriate response to sexual arousal or is love the result of years together? Scientists, along with human behavior studies, have been seeking the answers to these questions for quite some time now, and believe that finally they may have the answer. There are two distinct differences in the areas of the brain associated with sexual arousal and emotional responses typical of being romantically involved. And using brain scans, scientists were able to decipher the distinctions people …Continue reading →
Equal pay for equal work is a great idea in the workplace. Do you also believe in equal pay for equal good times on the dating scene? It’s a question that bothers many women. Do you offer to pay for your own dinner or movie ticket? If you do pay, is it really a “date” in the traditional sense – or just hanging out like you do with friends? When a man invites a woman for a date, he usually …Continue reading →
Having a short date allows you to spend time together without having to be stuck with someone you don’t really like. And if you do hit it off, you can always arrange a second date. You can have these mini-dates regardless of where you live, you can try to add this dating practice to your life. As you work to meet new people, try setting up short dates that allow you to get just a quick impression of each other. …Continue reading →
Many men become extremely stressed out about shopping for a Valentine’s Day gift for their girlfriends. They feel this pressure because they are very concerned about choosing a gift which is appropriate. They may worry that the gift they give may seem too romantic or not romantic enough for the present stage of the relationship. If they have just started dating their girlfriend they may worry that an expensive gift may be inappropriate but at the same time do not …Continue reading →
Love is something that is abstract but heartfelt as an emotion. It is expressed according to how we view the idea of it. Regardless of who we are and where we are in the universe love comes down to a deep feeling of affection that one person has for another. There are different types of love in expressing that affection. People express love by giving and receiving it in different ways. Love can be between friends, platonic, romantic, sexual, humanitarian, …Continue reading →
Fixer-uppers are fine when you’re talking about a car, a house or a cottage up north. But when it comes to women, you do not want a fixer-upper! Female fixer-uppers come with problems that can’t be fixed with your tender loving care and money, so if you sense you’re dating a woman like this, you might want to break it off before you have any regrets. Yes, this sounds sort of callus, but you’re looking for a nice girl, right? …Continue reading →
Dating seems to be a very exciting term. It would mean a new phase of a person’s life. Whatever the purpose of dating is, one must always be responsible and by all means be cautious about being into this kind of activity. Since you are getting involved with unknown individuals, you must equip yourself with the necessary protection or security whatever risks there are. Yes, there are risks… Online dating is of course, safe from outside risks since it happens …Continue reading →
There will likely be instances where you will fail at picking that most delicious candy in the store. Instead of crying over it, take the early rejection as a learning experience and move on. Do not take it personally or else you will find it to be a hard time looking for that someone you really want to date.